Recovery in England has commenced! Days 18&19: Bilbao and Swarraton, Hampshire
Day 18: What a difference a day makes! Yesterday at this time I was boarding a plane from Bilbao. Today I'm cosily ensconced in Emma's...
Bettina's Camino
Recovery in England has commenced! Days 18&19: Bilbao and Swarraton, Hampshire
Days 16&17: Camino course alteration continues. Burgos/Bilbao
Days 14&15 : Not walking (as much)
(Not Walking) Waiting/Rest Day 13 O km
Day 12: Granon to Belarado. 18 Km and a change of plan
Day 11: Azofra to Granon. 22.1 km
Day 10: Navarrete to Azofra. 22+ km
Day 9: Viana to Navarrete 22.3 km
Day 8: Los Arcos to Viana
Day 7: Estella to Los Arcos. 21 km (109k total)
Warning: New Sim Card
Day 6: Estella
Hiking Days 3&4&5 digest: Larrasona to Puente Reina to Estella.
Walking Day #2: Bizkarret to Zubiri or Larrasoaña
Camino walking day #1
Travel Day #2: Madrid To Roncesvalles complete
Travel day #1 complete
Show time!
The day before leaving